Do more with your data—
at speed and at scale.

Reimagine your strategy with frictionless privacy technology.

unlock data

Unlock data. Protect privacy.
Drive growth.

Trūata engineers privacy-enhancing solutions which integrate with your existing
infrastructure, fostering cross-departmental collaboration and effective data
management. Extract maximum value from your data while energizing growth,
boosting brand reputation, and mitigating privacy risks.

76 %
global consumers

of global consumers believe companies need to do more to protect their data privacy online

69 %

are more likely to be loyal to a brand that uses their personal data appropriately

Source: Trūata Global Consumer State of Mind Report 2021

Fuel your commercial strategy
with privacy-enhanced data

Trūata solutions empower businesses to unleash powerful insights while
complying with the highest global data protection standards.

What do you want to achieve?

Privacy and compliance

Build consumer trust
through transparent
data use

Implement the right safeguards and controls to create and maintain trusting relationships with customers, partners, and regulators.

Growth and monetization

Facilitate seamless
automation with intuitive technology

With access to privacy-enhanced data and analytics, core teams have the tools to strategize, innovate, and enhance customer experience.

Risk mitigation

Maximize data utility—
and minimize
privacy risk

Trūata solutions and technologies maximize the value of data analytics, while minimizing the risks associated with privacy exposure.

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Trūata’s team of industry-leading experts are specialists in privacy risk assessment,
de-identification, and the true anonymization of data.

Trūata Calibrate

Automate risk assessments and perform forensically targeted privacy risk reductions to operationalize privacy-compliant data flows.

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Trūata Combined Analytics

Combined Analytics is a collaborative analytics exchange platform that enables businesses to safely share and access untapped customer insights from trusted third-party partners to optimize campaigns and unlock new revenue potential.

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Trūata Anonymization Service (TAS)

Harness a unique controller-to-controller relationship to anonymize and leverage data while meeting the highest global regulatory thresholds.

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Trūata Pioneer Execute

Eelf-service analytics platform that enables organizations to generate on-demand business intelligence outputs that are privacy-compliant, safe to share and provide richer insights derived from privacy-enhanced data.

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Trūata Pioneer Explore

Enables analysts and data scientists to run queries over sensitive data without ever seeing the underlying data or being able to re-identify or infer attributes about individuals from returned results.

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Trūata Privacy Enhanced Analytics Platform (PEAP)

Conduct analyses on anonymized transactional data via a SaaS-based platform.

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Calibrate and Transform
Combined Analytics - contact us
Trūata Pioneer Execute - Real-time business intelligence. Robust privacy protection.

Customers include

Who we work with

Trūata is at the forefront of data privacy management—so keep up with all our latest activities right here.


Trūata is at the forefront of data privacy management—so keep up with all our latest activities right here.

Check out Trūata’s extensive range of thought leadership articles, white papers, reports, videos, and webinars.


Check out Trūata’s extensive range of thought leadership articles, white papers, reports, videos, and webinars.